The Flood in Maiduguri Left Ruins, But The Nigerian Army’s Bravery Will Not Be Forgotten

  • 16 Oct, 2024
  • News

On Tuesday, September 10th, a devastating flood submerged nearly half of Maiduguri, the Borno state capital, displacing over 400,000 people, URNI learned. The disaster was caused by the collapse of the Alau Dam after heavy rainfall, which led to widespread flooding that inundated homes, businesses, and infrastructure in the city.

According to news reports, Maiduguri had experienced flooding in 1994 when the same Alau dam overflowed. The recent flood, however, was even more destructive, becoming a major disaster that will be remembered for a long time.

As rescue efforts unfolded to evacuate victims and save those trapped in the floodwaters, the Nigerian Army had made a commitment that saw thousands of people live again for another day. Their efforts showed they are not only soldiers going to the battlefield but can also help people affected by disasters. They gave food and other non-food items to people who lost their homes in the flood.

The people of Maiduguri expressed gratitude to the army. They said the army was brave to have helped in saving lives. One soldier, Lieutenant KC Uwaezuoke, was recognised as a hero, and his efforts earned the army respect among many Nigerians.

“A big salute to the Nigerian Army Rescue Team for their heroic efforts in responding to the Maiduguri floods. Your courage and commitment to saving lives during this difficult time are deeply appreciated. Thank you for being there when our communities need you the most,” commented Mk Alhaji Ibrahim in a social media post. Whereas another user, Muhammad Makinta, shared “We maiduguri people we don't have anything to say other than seek God's protection and blessings upon all Nigeria army's, your commitment is beyond expectation you guys are the best in humanity. Oh God bless them with their families, we really appreciate you.”

The Nigerian Army was not alone in the flood relief efforts. Young people in Maiduguri, along with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), were also actively involved. They used social media to collect donations, which were then used to prepare food and distribute relief materials such as food, water, mosquito nets, sanitary pads, and medications to the affected population in Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps and host communities.

While the Borno state government is providing support to the flood victims, other state governments, entrepreneurs, and charities have also donated money and relief packages.

These acts of kindness show that even during crises and disasters, Nigeria is a nation surrounded by love and togetherness. This spirit of generosity is not uncommon as it fills us with hope and courage, reminding us that we are united in both joyful and challenging moments.